
What’s Start Alberta? Why do we need it?

Posted by Accelerate Fund | June 2, 2020

Alberta is a province of innovators who are also very independent minded. We have incredible startups and tech community organizations, but aside from meetups like AccelerateAB, we’re often talking about the tech community in Edmonton or tech in Calgary, not our province-wide prowess.

Organizations like Startup Calgary, Startup Edmonton, Taproot, Rainforest Alberta, Startup TNT  and mentorship organizations like VMSA, Threshold Impact VMS, have been critical contributors to Alberta’s maturation as a tech hub.

What Albert hasn’t had though, is a collective province-wide voice to earn the Alberta tech sector the clout we deserve in attracting investment, achieving profile nationally and internationally. And without one, we miss gaining a collective understanding of the Alberta tech landscape.

Yesterday, after working quietly on some groundswell, Start Alberta did its official launch. was created by AEC, the VCAA and The A100 to connect investors and Alberta tech companies and is now managed by the VCAA and Platform Calgary. Start Alberta fills a void within the Alberta ecosystem, as a free and open-source central dealflow directory for entrepreneurs, investors and external stakeholders, to connect with each other and find investment and support.

Beyond providing a comprehensive list of tech dealflow in the province, the platform provides a critical forum for telling Alberta’s entrepreneurial successes story and enticing investors both internal and external to Alberta to invest in what Alberta has to offer. Data partnerships developed through Start Alberta ensure startups gain international exposure.

So what does StartAlberta mean for startups:

Get more visibilityadd yourself to the list by clicking to Register for free and gain profile on The Start Alberta platform amplifies the story and global reach of Alberta entrepreneurs – share your startup’s press releases, content and investment info at any time. Startup profile information and investment data on Start Alberta is shared on a recurring basis with global databases Crunchbase and Pitchbook, which collectively reach over 60 million people.

Broaden your Alberta network: Being part of Start Alberta helps connect you to new partnerships with incubators, accelerators, investors, and government agencies across Alberta.

Help Alberta Tech gain clout: A rising tide lifts all boats – include the hashtag #StartAlberta in your social posts and like and share posts from others.

Thanks everyone, here’s to our collective efforts to amplify the profile and global reach of Alberta entrepreneurs!


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