
A tribute to David Edmonds: His retirement marks decades of impact on Alberta’s tech ecosystem

Posted by Accelerate Fund | May 9, 2024

Our Accelerate Fund team was thrilled to join in a recognition event for David Edmonds on May 1, 2024 and show some gratitude for Dave’s tireless commitment to building Alberta’s tech ecosystem, mentoring entrepreneurs, connecting founders, partners and investors. 

David, you’ve played a crucial role in the success of Accelerate Fund and making Alberta a better place to live and build businesses.

We thank you for your incredible impact:

Beyond that, you’ve inspired each of us personally:

Dave is the most passionate person I know when it comes to helping entrepreneurs and companies be successful. But this passion isn’t just about the business, he also cares about the people involved and this is what makes him so special. There are countless examples where he has helped people because it was the right thing to do, not necessarily the most profitable thing to do. It has been a pleasure to have worked with him for the last 10 years.”Brad Johns, Partner, Yaletown Partners

“Dave set an incredible example for me of how to be a connector and supporter of the tech startup community and it’s a standard I will continue to strive for throughout the rest of my career.”Arden Tse, Investment Manager, Accelerate Fund II & III, Yaletown Partners

“More than just a mentor and valuable team member, Dave believed in my ability to succeed in this career, even when I didn’t have that confidence in myself. He welcomed me immediately into the community and gave me a sense of belonging.” – Yasmine Al-Hussein, Associate, Accelerate Fund II & III, Yaletown Partners 

“Since joining Yaletown, Dave has been instrumental in introducing me to ABF4 and the community and providing invaluable guidance. I am incredibly grateful for his mentorship and leadership, and I aspire to emulate his example in my own career journey.” – Melania Antoszko, Investment Analyst, Accelerate Fund II & III, Yaletown Partners

Enjoy your well-deserved retirement – we know you’ll continue to keep your finger in the Alberta pie, here’s wishing you plenty of time for fishing, golf and family now too! 

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